2nd International workshop for Nerve sonography
New ways in pain control and US-guided regenerative medicine
Date: 14 – 15 June 2019, London
Location: The Royal Society of Medicine
Interactive workshop with hands-on teaching
Participants learn:
- how to find and assess peripheral nerves – the big and the small ones no matter where they are located in the body basing on our “landmarking technique”
- the clinical impact of nerve sonography as a first line diagnostic and imaging tool for peripheral nerve pathology: “find it to fix it”!
- about the role of high resolution nerve sonography in the diagnostic algorithm even for special peripheral nerve pathologies as e.g. polyneuropathies, inflammatory neuropathies, peripheral nerve trauma and mass assessment.
- about options for interventional high resolution nerve sonography in pain therapy.
by hands-on workshops under individual tutorials how peripheral nerve sonography works: “try it out”!
Target Groups
Doctors-in-Training and Specialists of any medical field with interest in peripheral nerve imaging and high resolution peripheral nerve sonography.
➔ CME credits: applied 17 points
Workshop program
Friday, June 14th
- 09:00
Welcome - 09:10 – 09:50
Brachial Plexus and nerves of the neck (US-Anatomy and Live Demo)
PD Dr. Alexander Loizides, Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Radiology, Austria - 09:50 – 10:10
Technical innovations and high frequent sonography: what else?
Helmut Oberherber, Applicationspecialist, Canon Medical Systems, Austria - 10:10 – 10:40
Sonography vs Electrodiagnostics in focal neuropathies – what do I need and when?
Prof. Dr. Simon Podnar, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Division of Neurology, Slovenia - 10:40 – 11:10
Coffee Break - 11:10 – 11:50
Nerves of the upper extremity (US-Anatomy and Live-Demo)
PD Dr. Alexander Loizides, Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Radiology, Austria - 11:50 – 12:20
Neuromuscular ultrasound in neuropathies: a new, large and amazing field!
PD Dr. Alexander Grimm, University Hospital Tübingen, Department of Neurology, Germany - 12:20 –13:00
Nerves of the groin (US-Anatomy and Live-Demo)
PD Dr. Hannes Gruber, Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Radiology, Austria - 13:00 –14:00
Lunch - 14:00 –18:00
Hands-on Workshops
Saturday, June 15th
- 09:00 – 09:40
Nerves of the lower extremity (US-Anatomy and Live-Demo)
PD Dr. Hannes Gruber, Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Radiology, Austria - 09:50 –10:00
Musculoskeletal ultrasound: anatomy and mimics of neuropathies
Dr. Michaela Plaikner, Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Radiology, Austria - 10:00 –10:40
Traumatic and iatrogenic nerve lesions: you would have never thought of that!
Prof. Dr. Simon Podnar, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Division of Neurology, Slovenia
PD Dr. Alexander Loizides, Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Radiology, Austria - 10:40 –11:00
Nodules of this and that: act and react!
PD Dr. Hannes Gruber, Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Radiology, Austria - 11:00 –11:30
Coffee Break
Pain session and Regenerative Medicine
- 11:30 –11:50
US-guided interventions of the peripheral nervous system: put the right thing at the right place!
Dr. Elisabeth Skalla, Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Radiology, Austria - 11:50 –12:20
The ‘truth’ of Regenerative Medicine in Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Dr. Ralph Rogers, MD PhD MBA, Regenerative Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Harley Street Clinic, London, UK - 12:20 –12:50
Ultrasound-guided spinal injections: forget X-rays!
PD Dr. Alexander Loizides, Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Radiology, Austria - 12:50 – 13:10
Why Lipogems is the best lipoaspirate for regeneration
Prof. Dr. Carlo Tremolada, Instituto Image, Milan, Italy - 13:10 – 14:00
Lunch - 14:00 – 17:00
Hands-on Workshops