Virtual course every two weeks starts on
Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 6:30pm-8:00pm GMT
This course is intended for all those involved in ultrasound scanning of the fetal heart and is suitable for sonographers, obstetricians, radiologists and cardiologists. The content will be presented live by the experienced fetal cardiology Faculty from the Evelina London Children’s Hospital and King’s College Hospital London to allow interaction with the speakers.
Course fee: 200 Euro
The fee includes 8 virtual sessions, online access to the course content for 2 month and certificate of attendance.
* We use a third-party organization to handle your payments and registration. Canon Medical will not take any advantage of the payments.
Session 1
Wednesday, 27 January The normal fetal heart
This first session will discuss and demonstrate the views required to undertake a complete assessment of the fetal heart with additional talks on advanced views, use of Doppler and first trimester assessments.
Session 2
Tuesday, 2 February Situs and four chamber abnormalities
The second session will review the echocardiographic features, implications, associations and postnatal management of ventricular septal defects, atrioventricular septal defects. In addition, the impact of situs anomalies (isomerism/laterality disorders) will be introduced.
Session 3
Wednesday, 24 February Hypoplasia of the left heart
This session covers echocardiographic diagnosis, implications, associations, perinatal and postnatal management of hypoplastic left heart syndrome, critical aortic stenosis and borderline left heart. The role of maternal hyperoxia, lung MRI and neurodevelopmental issues will also be discussed.
Session 4
Wednesday, 10 March Hypoplasia of the right heart
This session covers echocardiographic diagnosis, implications, associations, perinatal and postnatal management of obstructive or regurgitant lesions of the pulmonary and tricuspid valves.
Session 5
Wednesday, 24 March Tetralogy of Fallot and its differential diagnosis
This session covers echocardiographic diagnosis, implications, associations, perinatal and postnatal management of tetralogy of Fallot, absent pulmonary valve syndrome and common arterial trunk. The genetic diagnosis of 22q11 deletion syndrome will also be discussed.
Session 6
Wednesday, 7 April Transposition of great arteries
This session covers echocardiographic diagnosis, implications, associations, perinatal and postnatal management of simple and more complex forms of transposition including double outlet right ventricle.
Session 7
Wednesday, 7 April Abnormalities of the aortic arch
This session focuses on the echocardiographic appearances, associations and postnatal management of anomalies such as coarctation of the aorta, interrupted aortic arch right and double aortic arch. 3-dimensional fetal MRI data is used to aid understanding of these lesions.
Session 8
Wednesday, 5 May Fetal arrhythmias
This final session describes the echocardiographic assessment of rhythm abnormalities and using case studies to explain the assessment and treatment options for tachycardias and bradycardias.
Prof. John Simpson
Prof. John Simpson leads the fetal cardiology and paediatric echocardiography services at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital. He did undergraduate training at Edinburgh University and trained in paediatric cardiology at Guy’s Hospital, London and at the University of California, San Francisco, USA. He has published over 200 scientific papers and has edited and contributed to the leading textbooks in fetal and paediatric cardiology. Professor Simpson is president of the British Congenital Cardiac Association.
Prof. Gurleen Sharland
Professor Gurleen Sharland is a NHS Consultant in Fetal Cardiology at Evelina London Children’s Hospital. She is regarded as a leading expert in the field of fetal cardiology both nationally and internationally. Until recently Professor Sharland was the President of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC). Professor Sharland has frequently been an Invited member of faculty on many courses, workshops, symposia at international conferences. She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, written book chapters and textbooks of fetal cardiology.
Dr. Vita Zidere
Dr. Vita Zidere is Consultant in Paediatric and Fetal Cardiology at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. She qualified in medicine from the Riga Stradins University in 1994 and trained in paediatric and fetal cardiology at the University Children’s Hospital in Riga, Latvia, at Guy’s Hospital, London and at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Centre, Babies Hospital, New York, USA. Dr Zidere is a co-editor of Fetal Cardiology handbook. She has written several book chapters for fetal medicine and paediatric cardiology books and has published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers with a major focus on prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease.
Dr. Trisha Vigneswaran
Dr. Trisha Vigneswaran has been a consultant in paediatric and fetal cardiology at Evelina London Children’s Hospital since 2016, where she diagnoses and manages patients with all types of congenital heart disease. She qualified in Medicine with distinction from Imperial College, University of London in 2003 and trained in paediatric and fetal cardiology at Great Ormond Street Hospital, Evelina London Children’s Hospital and King’s College Hospital. She co-developed the maternal hyperoxygenation clinical programme for fetuses with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and collaborates with the International Fetal Cardiac Intervention Registry. Her special research interests in fetal cardiology include coarctation of the aorta, vascular rings, arrhythmias, functional assessment of the heart, first trimester diagnosis and use of maternal hyperoxygenation to improve perinatal management of babies with congenital heart disease. She has published over 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers.
Dr. Owen Miller
Dr. Owen Miller is a Consultant in Paediatric and Fetal Cardiology at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Clinical Director of the Congenital Heart Network and Reader in Congenital Heart Disease (King’s College London). Dr Miller’s main clinical and research interests cover advanced cardiac imaging in fetal and paediatric cardiology.
Dr. Marietta Charakida
Dr. Marietta Charakida works since 2015 as a Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Fetal and Pediatric Cardiology at Evelina Children’s Hospital and King’s College Hospital. She worked previously as an Academic Clinical Lecturer at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Her research interest focuses on cardiovascular prevention. She has established extensive research programme to assess maternal and fetal cardiac function during pregnancy in healthy patients but also following pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
Dr. Kuberan Pushparajah
Dr. Kuberan Pushparajah is a clinical senior lecturer in paediatric cardiology in the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences at King’s College London. He is also an honorary consultant paediatric cardiologist at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital, London. His interests are in cardiovascular imaging, namely in the fields of magnetic resonance imaging and advanced echocardiography including 3D echocardiography. He is the clinical lead for the Congenital Cardiac MRI programme, which encompasses congenital CMR from the fetus to the adult, and CMR guided catheteristaion.
Dr. David F. A. Lloyd
Dr. David F. A. Lloyd is a Consultant in paediatric and fetal cardiology at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital and a Clinical Lecturer in Child Health and King’s College London. His research interests include novel fetal cardiac MRI techniques, advanced fetal ultrasound and artificial intelligence. He jointly runs and administrates the clinical fetal cardiac MRI service based at the Evelina.
Dr. Thomas Day
Dr. Thomas Day is a Clinical Research Fellow at King’s College London and Honorary Consultant in Fetal Cardiology at Evelina London Children’s Hospital, part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. He undertook his training in paediatric and fetal cardiology at the John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford, Great Ormond Street Hospital London, The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, and Evelina London. Dr. Day is currently working towards a research degree, and his research interests are the use of artificial intelligence in fetal cardiology, and screening for congenital heart disease.”
Dr. Ioana Dumitrascu-Biris
Dr. Ioana Dumitrascu-Biris is a paediatric and fetal cardiology specialty doctor at Evelina London Children’s Hospital, where she is working since 2013. After obtaining a CCT in general paediatrics (in Timisoara, Romania) Dr. Ioana Dumitrascu has completed a 2 year Fellowship in Paediatric Intensive Care and in 2016 has started a Fellowship in Paediatric and Fetal Cardiology, working in two of the largest fetal departments in London (King’s College Hospital and St Thomas Hospital). Dr. Ioana Dumitrascu has participated in numerous National and International Congresses.