Clinical cases

Xephilio OCT-S1 enables superior penetration of dense objects and provides outstanding tomographic images. Review here several clinical cases.


image C

image E

image A

image B

image D



C: Post Treatment Single-scan Wide-Field OCT Angiogram
Post Treatment Single-scan Wide-Field OCT Angiogram obtained on the same date as image B. Comparable in vertical axis extension to UWF-FFA on image A. Perfused and non-perfused retinal areas are clearly defined without the need of intravenous dye. Note that the residual fibrosed superior mid-peripheral NVE remains perfused and the residual minimally fibrosed temporal mid-peripheral NVE is perfused and not visible on image B.

A: Ultra Wide-Field Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram (UWF-FFA)
Ultra Wide-Field Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram (UWF-FFA) showing treatment-naïve active Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) with posterior pole and mid-peripheral neovascularisation elsewhere (NVE).

B: Ultra Wide-Field Multi-Wavelength Imaging
Ultra Wide-Field Multi-Wavelength Imaging after successful Targeted Retinal Photocoagulation (TRP) showing fibrosis and apparent complete resolution of superior and temporal mid-peripheral NVE.

D: Post treatment macula-only OCT Retinal Thickness Map
Post treatment macula-only OCT Retinal Thickness Map obtained on same date as image B.

E: Wide-Field OCT Retinal Thickness Map
Wide-Field OCT Retinal Thickness Map obtained on the same date as images B, C and D. Note the mid-peripheral retinal thinning corresponding with areas of laser treatment and localised areas of thickening corresponding with the residual superior and temporal mid-peripheral NVE.

Courtesy of Prof. Paulo E. Stanga, Consultant Ophthalmologist & Vitreoretinal Surgeon, London Vision Clinic – Retina Lead, UK

Branch retinal artery occlusion

Chronic central retinal vein occlusion


Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment


Central Serous Chorioretinopathy


Anterior segment OCT*

Xephilio OCT-S1 allows you not only to visualize the microvasculature of the retina, but also of the conjunctiva. The anterior segment can be observed without the need for any additional lens attachments.En-face OCT and OCTA

* Anterior segment OCT is currently intended for research purposes only and must not be used for patient diagnoses.

Intelligent denoise

Original image (w/o intelligent denoise)

Image with intelligent denoise

Single scan wide field OCT Angiography

Post treatment single scan wide field OCT Angiogram. Perfused and non-perfused retinal areas are closely defined without the need of intravenous dye. Note that the residual fibrosed superior mid-peripheral NVE remains perfused and the residual minimally fibrosed temporal mid-peripheral NVE is perfused.

Courtesy of Prof. Paulo E. Stanga, London Vision Clinic, UK.

Wide Field En Face OCT

Xephilio OCT-S1 provides wide-field imaging of up to 23 ×20 mm width with just one scan. Mosaic imaging allows you to create a wide-field OCT image of approximately up to 31 x 27 mm with just 4 or 5 images.

Presentations during Congresses

Dr. Shin Kadomoto speaks about the impact of ultra-widefield swept source OCT and OCT Angiography … and its incredible field of view, during the OCT Congress in Rome, 2019.

Dr. Lorenzo Casillo speaks about the everyday practice with the new Canon A1 SD-OCTA with OCT Angiography, during OCT Congress in Rome, 2019.