At the heart of every RADREX-i system is RexSpeed, which includes Auto-Mapping, Auto-Center Stop, Auto-Collimation, Auto-Tracking and Auto-Park. These fully automated solutions help eliminate redundant tasks while allowing on-the-fly changes, if required.
Auto Park
With the push of a button, the overhead tube crane moves to its highest position, allowing patients to comfortably step off the exam table.
Auto Tracking
Automatically coordinates X-ray tube and detector movement, eliminating time and labour-intensive, manual adjustments.
Auto Collimation
Automatically selects the correct collimation size for the programmed field-of-view, saving crucial time for the patient and technologist.
Auto-Center Stop
Collimator positioning software provides convenient visual guidance for fast, accurate and easy centering of the detector.
Auto Mapping
Once a patient is selected from the work list, workflow is streamlined by automatically acquiring the proper Anatomic Program Control (APC) with customizable settings.